New Blood Showrunner Clyde Phillips Just Answered a Burning Question About Astor and Cody

The Bloodline’s swirling saga of dysfunctional family dynamics has left fans desperate for answers concerning the fate of its core complex: Astor, Cody, and their fractured bond after Kevin’s death. Recently, acclaimed showrunner Clyde Phillips shed light on the future for Astor’a character in Season V.

Phillips spoke frankly about how Season IV dealt with the shock waves of family patriarch Raymond’s death – it tore away Astor’s initial anchor figure: her beloved father. But within the trauma, Phillips noted that Phillip and Kevin created “an emotional void” which left an undeniable opportunity for growth.

While Kevin’s absence undoubtedly cast a long shadow over Astoria, this absence wasn’t solely about losing a figure of loyalty but about a shift in power, according to Phillips. The showrunner posited Astor is forced – not simply by circumstance but also by choice – Into her own orbit of agency within this complex relationship with Cody. He carefully avoids labeling Astor’s potential arc, describing it instead as one of “discovery” – discovering what she wants, needs, and most importantly, what role she crafts in the Bloodline tapestry for season 5 on.

Fans eagerly awaiting revelations about Astoria and Cody will find more than just teases from Phillips. Speculation rife across forums suggest Astor’s agency might manifest even in a subversion of expectations: embracing power on opposite ends of the Bloodline spectrum alongside her brother – not as traditional antagonists, but partners within this brutal reality show that’s Miami’s dark truth.

The key narrative that emerges from Phillips’ statements points to something more fascinating than surface plots. With Astor shedding familial facades and embarking on a “discovery” phase in Season V, we might see the de facto “leading lady” of Generation Ostroy finally taking center stage – shaping events alongside code rather in a partnership beyond the confines conventional sibling tension.

In Bloodline’s complex web of family betrayals, moral ambiguity, and power battles, it’s this evolution that promises to captivate its audience as much as ever before.