House Of The Dragon: Larys Strong’s Scheme In Episode 6 Explained

House of the Dragon episode 6 threw us directly into a web of intrigue and betrayal, with Larys Strong emerging as one of its master weavers. But just what was the calculating Lord of Harrenhal up to in this pivotal episode? Let’s break down Larys Strong’s scheme step by step.

The King’s Confidence: Episode 6 revealed a disturbing truth: Viserys was steadily losing his grip on reality and growing increasingly reliant on the counsel of those around him. Enter Larys Strong, who strategically cultivated a position as a trusted advisor to the ailing king. With whispers in the right ears and subtle suggestions planted like seeds, Larys manipulated key moments, paving the way for his own agenda.

Targeting Lyonel Strong: The episode saw Larys orchestrate the death of his own father, Hand of the King Lyonel Strong, along with Harrold Westerling, Viserys’s trusted Kingsguard knight and Rhaenyra’s protector. Though seemingly brutal, this act served a crucial purpose. By eliminating his father, Larys removed a potential rival for power within the family while simultaneously positioning himself as the sole heir to Harrenhal and its vast influence.

Exploiting Alicent’s Fears: Larys expertly played on Alicent Hightower’s anxieties surrounding Rhaenyra’s claim to the Iron Throne. By providing “information” about Daemon Targaryen, Larys stoked Alicent’s fear and resentment towards Rhaenyra. This clever manipulation set Queen Alicent along a path of distrust towards Rhaenyra, ultimately strengthening Larys’s hold on power by turning allies against each other.

The Shadow of Otto Hightower: While it’s clear that Larys acted to gain influence, his motives remain shrouded in mystery. Some speculate that he is merely ambitious and opportunistic, seizing the moment to advance his own family’s standing. Others believe he may be driven by an even darker purpose.

Could Larys be playing a complex game with both Rhaenyra and Alicent as pawns? The whispers of Otto Hightower’s ambition loom large, suggesting that perhaps Larys is merely a tool in the former Hand’s grand scheme to ensure his own family’s ascent to power.

With so many characters vying for control in a realm already teetering on chaos, one thing remains certain: Larys Strong will continue to be a force to be reckoned with. His cunning and calculated maneuvers have shaken the very foundations of the Seven Kingdoms. Just how far is he willing to go? And who ultimately benefits from his machinations?

These questions linger as we await the next chapter in this captivating saga of power, betrayal, and dragons.