Ringo Starr’s Wife Preferred 2 Singers to The Beatles

It’s common knowledge that within the Fab Four dynamic stood Ringo Starr and his distinctive drum stylings: steady as ever for such infectious, era-defining tunes. What might shock some, however, is that while Ringo is a beloved band member and acclaimed musician in his own right, his wife Barbara Bach famously held higher regard for two particular Beatles over he. Before we dive into the shocking details of Beatles preference rankings inside the home of Ringo Starrr himself—let’s break it down.

It all originated back on December 7th when Ringo shared insights from a very funny Christmas memory during his radio show with fans on Apple Music Hits! While recalling traditions around y’uletide, Barbara admitted (to hilarious results), that for this songbirds-centric occasion, her musical taste ran differently towards George Harrison and Paul McCartney rather than her husband. While she didn’t go into deep explanations about “why”, some listeners speculated and jumped at this revelation.

The story doesn’t end here though! During a lively episode later on SiriusXM’s Beatles Channel, Barbara offered an olive branch (metaphorically) saying Ringo “couldn’t compete” with her favorites because of the sheer songwriting prowess each of them individually possessed: their composing catalogs had “always influenced”, and still “influenced“ her musical understanding. Her perspective, she clearly meant to express was about the process and not a diss on Ringo himself! Imagine this as a loving nudge, reminding our famous Beatle pals that even with an incredibly talented wife-in-love his musical contribution to the band wasn’t strictly in the vocalist writing role. Ringo has expressed much adoration his entire life for his wife’s love and understanding of their Beatles years! They make one great power couple in showbiz.

This little insight into Barbara’s musical soul illuminates something crucial: Beatles success wasn’t confined to hit tunes and performance talent. It encompassed a remarkable songwriting partnership with diverse strengths woven deep within its tapestry – something even Ringo’s equally devoted wife couldn’t entirely ignore over the ages while creating memories around the festive season table, right beside him!

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