Did The Remnant Fellowship Survive Gwyn Shamblin’s Death?

The fate of “the Remnant Fellowship” in the wake Shamblin’s death hinges on the concept of cults themselves. Cults, at their core, thrive because their members perceive an all-consuming truth channeled through a central figurehead they wholeheartedly trust and idolize. Gwen Shamblin Lara was indisputably that figure for them. So, even now that she’s deceased alongside five others in a horrific plane crash investigation has pointed towards probable pilot disorientation during takeoff conditions, the question isn’t directly about survival, It’s about transformation.

Will those remaining members continue without her at the helm? Can their truth exist beyond personal interpretations brought under the auspices of an ordained, unquestioned “Prophetess”? History whispers a cautious “no.” Many cults splintering after a leader’s demise into bitter, disengaged fragments struggling to adhere to any semblance of cohesion.

But The Remnant, known ironically because those who leave are seen as “the ones who never truly understood”, operated differently than most. Its appeal was about accessibility – an emphasis on celebrity culture woven into religious dogma through Lara’s diet guru persona. Shamblin presented an enticing, easily digestible world built upon achievable self- improvement alongside spiritual guidance.

It’s entirely possible Remnants core ideology could endure in the age of social media influencers preaching “positive” self-cultivation and online spirituality. The tragedy creates a vacuum, a platform now ripe for internal upheaval or even radical evolution away from what truly constituted “Lara’s Remnant.” It’s hard, if not impossible, to glean any definitive prediction. They exist in an awkward purgatory between reverence for their late founder and the unsettling reality that “prophecy” doesn’t guarantee immortality.

Ultimately the questions they grapple with will reveal far more about societal blind spots – our yearning for simple answers amidst complexity and susceptibility to charismatic “heroes.” Perhaps, instead of dwelling on Remnants collective fate, perhaps its tragic saga provides a harrowing window into a larger trend: how human fragility can fuel the rise and fall of something that seems so much bigger than individual faith.

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