Kit Harington Nearly Leaked Harry Styles As Eros, Thanos Brother Months Ago

Okay, so you’re familiar with Eternals, right? That Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU) film from back in 2021 where humanity is interwoven with these incredibly ancient beings that have been watching over us for millennia, influencing major events? It features fantastic actors like Angelina Jolie and Gemma Chan. One notable character amidst the immortal pantheon was Eros, Harry Styles making a debut as an arrogant and intriguing Eternal. But something REALLY interesting went down before all that. We’re talking about Kit Harington (aka Lord Stark himself with an intense love for Jon Snow!) almost spilling the beans about Styles BEFORE he was officially confirmed in 2021 when Eternals trailers dropped, causing quite the frenzy online!

Turns out, it sounds like Harrington accidentally breathed a hint of truth back in 2019/a very early look at pre-production talks, without meaning to give any info beforehand. Remember that massive leak concerning Chris Hemsworth’s Thor:_Love and Thunder storyline too?

Fans online went INTO orbit around these two things – because it showcased how interconnected actors are; a single seemingly unimportant comment from one star could reveal major plot points about an entirely different movie for those attentive enough! This whole mystery with Harington, Styles, and a leaked cameo adds something pretty awesome to the entire cinematic tapestry. Let’s jump deeper into details of these supposed slip-ups – how they happened, what fans speculated about at the time, and ultimately where it all led…

Diving deeper into Harington’s almost revealing tweet brings up some fascinating points to ponder. While there isn’t any substantial concrete proof that a deliberate leak took place – it largely hinges on fan interpretations and context! Let’s break down different schools of thought on this:

1. The “Slip Up” Camp:
Many firmly believe Harington simply made an offhand statement he might have easily forgotten afterward, never intending any monumental reveal.
* Example: A possible online discussion from Harington involving “knowing interesting people,” or him being cryptic about future Marvel phases with his MCU peers.

Arguments Here:

  • It wasn’t a targeted leak. Harrington’s casual nature and tendency for banter could have easily caused accidental mentions, misinterpreted as evidence later when Styles was announced in Eternals.
    • Context Matters:
      Those online who think it was a genuine accident point out many similar events where seemingly unrelated actor comments get overblown by the internet’s eagerness for big revelations

Weakness: Doesn’t explain the exact phrasing or detail people claim Harington used that made things so suggestive about Styles in retrospect! Could there have been intentionally layered words without anyone realizing until AFTER the Styles announcement?

  1. The “Mindful Slip” Hypothesis,
    The conspiracy faction, intrigued! They hold Harrington potentially intentionally planted seeds in his wording knowing the Marvel fandom was ravenous for any crumb of info.
  • Arguments HERE:
    • The tweet’s wording had an unusual emphasis on specific actors or aspects to draw attention from savvy fans reading between the lines. Fans online may have pointed this out back then! Consider how many theories go around with every MCU project about unexpected characters making surprise entrances… Maybe Harington joined in!
    • It could’ve aimed for controlled chaos – sparking intrigue instead of official disclosure, hyping up the movie when there were whispers going around already.
          * **Weaknesses:**

Lacking concrete evidence of premeditation and inside knowledge from Harington or any cast involved; it would be difficult to prove beyond a shadow of a doubt that a carefully placed comment is part of an official “PR strategy.” There’s also risk – one slip-up might spoil TOO much and anger producers!

  1. The “Truth Revealed”?
    Perhaps neither intentional leak nor accidental fumble. But what if fan analysis has actually shown up something hidden more clearly over time because, through careful deconstruction post *Eternals
    , specific moments with actors’ comments do line up perfectly, even WITHOUT premeditation

    What supports this viewpoint

    • With the added knowledge that Styles WAS in Eternals, could fan analysis lead to new understanding about previously seemingly unrelated details in older statements? Maybe context clues are now coming alive.
      • A powerful tool! Fan communities often are the FIRST to notice things, even when big studios aren’t paying attention. Online discussion and cross-referencing can sometimes unearth things even casual observers might have missed before a massive reveal like this one is publicly addressed!
      • Caveat: Subjectivity in interpretation, of course.

MY TAKE?: It’s Most Likely Both Accidental AND a Fun Fandom Echo Chamber!: Harington’s statement was probably something harmless he said, completely offhand, but because the MCU fandom always thrives for leaks and connections – It started online! Fans then began interpreting what he said in relation to future movies and cast.

  • A self-fulfilling prophecy maybe? As more of the discussion happened – it just snowballed INTO this narrative until Styles’ appearance was announced officially, making everything ‘a near miss’! A great example of how dedicated fans can create a universe of their own imagining things based on tiny clues

This is always bound to happen in fandoms, but particularly where comic book movies are concerned because fan theories are practically currency. It just so happens that in this case they accidentally predicted something HUGE

So basically, what we pieced together is this: it’s more likely than not both an unintentional slip-up by Kit Harington AND a prime example of how savvy MCU Fans can create their own thrilling narratives.

His possibly innocent comments became HUGE online discussion points, especially when paired with growing knowledge regarding casting updates – thus making a self-fulfilling prediction scenario in which they essentially ‘predicted Harry Styles cameo years before it happened.’

While this isn’t a concrete revelation per se — its larger implications are super important:

  •   **Actor Comments Have Power!**: Even seemingly random statements can become major fuel for speculative fires in devoted fandoms. Studios need that awareness too, maybe it influences future PR
    • Power of Fan Community: Again, it’s awesome but… with internet echo-chambers, how much influence is fan theory AND speculation HAVE over film output and audience comprehension? There needs to be deeper examination by fans THEMSELVES. It becomes meta if the “truth’ was the internet building on a flimsy premise that accidentally became legit years down the line.
    • Blurry Lines of Truth + Narrative: With fake leaks, deliberate teases… are there real boundaries between fact-based info AND manufactured intrigue studios engineer at this level? Is being ‘in the loop’ part of what makes things SO exciting for fandom in new ways?

    Are fans actively shaping our understanding of pop culture before releases even happening? The cycle continues. Think about this – because fan theories have real impact NOW on writers and directors, sometimes getting integrated into scripts… Is YOUR theory actually part of some future movie someday?!

Keep analyzing! Keep speculating! Because the line between ‘fandom’ and ‘direct creator influence’ seems blurry now…

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